GRIMS Update names
From ICISWiki
Update NAMES Table
The procedure is executed whenever a change is made on name values.
Name types affected:
- 6 - cultivar name
- 8 - species name
- 9 - collector's number
- 10 - donor code / foreign accession number
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE upd_names(xOval varchar2, xNval varchar2, xgid number, xntype int,xLoc number, xuserid int) IS xNid number; begin /****************************** update the names table *******************************/ xnid:=get_nid(xGid,xntype); if xnid is not null then begin if xnval is not null then begin update names set nval=xnval where gid=xgid and ntype=xntype; end; else begin update names set nstat=9 where nid=xNID; end; end if; insert into changes select changes_seq.nextval, 'NAMES', 'NVAL', xNID, xNID, xNID, to_number(to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD')), 0, null, xuserid, 0, 0, 'Trigger update' from dual; end; else begin insert into names select names_seq.nextval, xgid, xntype, decode(xntype,6,1,0), xuserid, xnval, xLoc, to_number(to_char(sysdate,'YYYYMMDD')), 0, 1 from dual; end; end if; end; /