Talk:ICIS Mini-Workshop 2007

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ICIS Mini-Workshop 2007, IRRI, March, 26-30, 2007


  • IRRI
Graham Mclaren
Arllet Portugal
Richard Bruskiewich
Warren Constantino
Candy Pimentel
William Eusebio
Beth Sison
Ching Habito
Ella Herrera
R. Hamilton
  • CBWA: Canola Breeders Western Australia
Cameron Beeck
  • VIDA Australia
Selwyn Ellis
  • Bayer CropScience
John de Leon
  • Nunhems
Casper aan den Boom
  • Monday: March, 26
1. Introduction and short of update of participants of their current status of ICIS.
2. Outcome of meetings at IRRI concerning possible changes at database structure and modules
-Conduct a general review of the ICIS schema to identify, document and prioritize for implementation, what changes (in schema, documented use, etc.) may be required by recent experiences with the IRGCIS and INGER integration.
-Conduct a general review of the ICIS schema to identify, document and prioritize for implementation, the required features of a “next Generation (CP)” ICIS interface..
Proposed database changes:
  • STUDY table: Add UserID field, Add folder structure functionalities as in LISTNMS table
  • ADD DMSCHANGES table to store changes made in Studies by ICISWorkBook. Still to investigate if CHANGES eventually also can be stored in DMSATTR table
  • Start using DMSATTR table also RequesterID that need to be linked to a List for GeneBank needs.
  • Consider adding of permanent columns to LISTDATA tables for PLOT SIZE (request Nunhems) and REMARKS (Request Bayer). Also investigate possibility of storing information of possible extra permanent LIST columns in DATATTR.
  • For further intergration of GRIMS probably one extra "GRIMS" table might be necessary in ICIS.
  • In future maybe some other changes are required for further integration with the genomic site, Richard mentioned CHADO db structures.
3. Feature Requests: I mainly would like to discuss FR’s that have larger impacts for ALL users, like:
a. SetGen: Management Neighboorhood for Derivative AND Generative GID’s
There is more then one definition for Neighboorhood, see also GRIMS.... The general feeling is that ICIS-users likes to do more with Neigboorhoods. Currentlty only the Management Neighboorhood can be stored via the [-] button in SetGen. This looks fine. Extra functionalities that will be required for Management Neighboorhood are a possibility to EDIT this via EDIT GMS, and a possibilty to start Management Neighboorhoods via the [B-] button.
Other Neighboorhoods, like "Derivative Neigboorhood for n-steps" and "Generative Neigboorhoods" probably can be made easily available by dll-functions. Arllet and Casper will further investigate ths.
b. SetGen: Have unique GID table OVER more LOCAL databases
Therefore NO new function is required, this can be easy done via identifying a "last local GID" in the INSTLN table. By identifying different "last local GIDs" in the different local ICIS implementations evry implementation will have it own sets of GIDS.
c. SetGen: Columns in (SetGen) Lists
(Number of Columns (CropForge FR-ID=427, Order of Columns CropForge FR-ID=428, Column Headers CropForge FR-ID=429)
These request will have quite some impact on SetGen and also on the WorkBook. Decided is to start a FeatureRequest on CropForge where the programming impact of these changes will be described and discussed. After discussion it will be decided when and how to implement these requests.
d. SetGen/GMSSearch: Can we support lowercase next to UPPERCASE names in SetGen/GMSSearch
Yes, this is possible, but also need to be described first further in a FeatureRequest (CF_FR-ID=30) on CropForge. Items that should be clear are eg. Where to define Upper/Lowercase option, where might it interfere with the STANDARDIZE names function, How to deal with "CROSS 117" and "Cross 117", are they different names Yes or No etc..
e. GMS Search Layout: On CropForge, FeatureRequestID=177, Ruaraidh Hamilton has made some proposals to change the layout of GMSSearch. Also Nunhems has some ideas. I think it would be a nice discussion on a whiteboard ! I hope also Ruaraidh is available
Discussed items to improve:
  • .....
f. ICISWorkBook: Implement FolderStructure for Studies (CropForge; FR-ID=431)
The general opion is that we need for Studies a similar folder structure as for List. In general functionalities should be the same as for List (Lock, Hide, Finalize etc.) It still need to be discussed what should be done with Studies that will be deleted from the database by a user. Should we maintain real deleting from the database as is done now, or should we implement a similar system as is implemented for List, where for deleted lists we change the STATUS to 9 and maintain all data in the database, but do no show them anymore to the users.
g: ICISWorkBook: Implement feature that shows different format in retrieved Studies for 'normal' and 'changed' data (eg by a different font colour)
4. ICIS Web Site - the Next Generation; what functionality do the various end user communities (breeding, genetic resources, evaluation network) need on the ICIS web site? How can this functionality be coherently developed into one web site application (i.e. storyboard the flow of web page navigation?)

  • Tuesday: March, 27
1. ICIS 5.4 and further; What features do we want in next ICIS versions.(Can we release ICIS 5.4 in Canada?) Are Delphi and VBA the program languages that should be used in (long-term) future (version 6?)?
2. Agenda ICIS Developers Workshop 2007 AAFC.
3.Workplans 2007
  • Wednesday: March, 28
1. Bi-lateral meeting Casper-Graham: Changes at Nunhems
2. Testing ICIS modules, Help-files ICIS, ICIS-manuals. How to improve?
3. MarkerData and ICIS: What is the current status? How are which data stored? Which tools are used (GEMS?)? Differences at IRRI, BAYER, Nunhems, Others, ..
4. Use/Development of “other” ICIS modules like InTrack, GeneBank modules etc..
5. .....
?? Wednesday/Thursday evening: March, 28/29 ??
Workshop dinner in local restaurant with nice view over lake???
  • Thursday: March, 29
“Sit-down bi-lateral” meetings (In the actual modules several small issues are there that will be easy to IMPROVE, but difficult to explain by written documentation and clips. By a “Sit-down bi-lateral” meeting with the programmers many of these issues probably immediately can be solved)
1. “Sit-down bi-lateral” meetings with at least Casper and Candy/Arllet for SetGen / GMSSearch
2. “Sit-down bi-lateral” meetings with at least Casper and Warren/Arllet for WorkBook
3. .....
  • Friday: March, 30
1. PediTree
2. More “bi-lateral meetings”
3. ....
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