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User Profile

Name: Mylah Rystie U. Anacleto
Nationality: Filipino
Position: Associate Scientist
Affiliation: Crop Research Informatics Laboratory (CRIL), International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Alma Mater: University of the Philippines at Los Banos

International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)
Mail: DAPO Box 7777, Metro Manila, Philippines
Telephone: +63 (2) 580-5600 loc 2324
Fax: +63 (2) 580-5699

Green Thumb Duke

I lead the team of Bioinformatics Software Engineers at IRRI, a subgroup of CRIL, that is under the direct supervision of Dr. Richard Bruskiewich.

I look forward to the full implementation and sharing of genetic resources, genomics, and crop improvement information through the next generation global crop information platform and network!

Some links:

  • The International Rice Information System (IRIS)
  • The Generation Challenge Programme - SP4 (GCP SP4)
  • The Generation Challenge Programme SP4 Information Platform Design and Implementation Guide (GCP Pantheon)
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