TDM Breeder's Training Lesson 14

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Querying the ICIS database through ICIS Retriever

Objective: At the end of this tutorial, the user can

  1. Link ICIS databases to Retriever
  2. Retrieve a dataset of a Study
  3. Retrieve data about the entries in the list.
  4. Build a query by describing the criteria and properties or traits of interest.
  5. Use the different types of Data Retriever queries: main query, sub-query and aggregate query.
  6. Format a query in parallel
  7. Create a SetGen list from a query
  8. Retrieve a SetGen list and used as criteria to a main query.

A. Link ICIS databases to Retriever


Link the IRIS central databases and the training database.

Tutorial Steps

  1. Run DMS Retriever from Launcher. (See Chapter II Section A.8 of the technical documentation of ICIS for extensive discussion of the DMS Retriever).

  1. On the Switchboard form, click Link/Unlink the ICIS database
  2. Then, select MS Access Database.
  3. Click "Link Central DMS" button
  4. Go to the ICIS5\Database\IRIS\Central folder and select IRIS-DMS.mdb
  5. Similarly, do steps 4 and 5 to link Central GMS, selecting IRIS-GMS.mdb
  6. Click "Link Local DMS" button
  7. Go to the ICIS5\Database\Training folder and select IRIS-GMS.mdb
  8. Similarly, do steps 4 and 5 to link local GMS
  9. Close the “Link MS Access” form.
  10. Click “Return to Main Menu” button on the Switchboard.
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