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C.G. McLaren, W. Eusebio


The GMSInput tool is an application for loading large volumes of historical germplasm data into GMS. The input tool loads cross, cultivar or accession data to a local database that can later be uploaded to the central database.

The raw pedigree data is entered into a temporary table in the local database. This requires direct manipulation of data in the temporary table and hence same facility in the RDMS program. There are three forms of temporary table depending on whether the input data come as separate female and male parent strings, as single purdy cross strings, or as accession data. Historical germplasm records can be loaded by GMSInput from any of the three input tables with the following table names. I_BCHIST for breeder’s cross histories, I_CULTLIST for cultivar lists, and I_ACCESSION of the accession data. Entries should be ordered chronologically so that when derivatives of early crosses are used as parents they are already available. The temporary tables can be deleted once the data are processed by GMSInput

GMSInput will parse cross history strings of unknown crosses and, look for parents in the database. The user can control the selection of parents found in the database, and those not found are added with unknown source or origin. Derivative names of parents are recognized by looking for a cross number followed by letters and numbers separated by dashes. These derivatives are parsed back to the crosses where possible.

To speed up the loading of data into a local database, GMSInput stores the name and the GID of previous selections of parents made by the user in the INPUTLIST table in the local database. Whenever a parent of a cross that was previously selected is used as a parent in a succeeding crosses, GMS Input will first search for that parent in the INPUTLIST table and if found, GMSInput will automatically use the corresponding GID of that parent.

1.5.1 Breeder’s Cross Histories (Separate Parents)

GMSInput can process breeding records, which contain information on parentage and crossing methods. The input fields for this data type are:

BCID Yes Breeder’s cross identification Character
FEMALE_ORIG No Female parent seed source or accession number Character
<100 bytes
FEMALE Yes Female Parent Character
MALE_ORIG No Male parent seed source or accession number Character
MALE Yes Male Parent Character
METHOD Yes Crossing Method (ICIS method no.) Number
DATE No Crossing date YYYMMDD Long Integer
LOCATION No ICIS LocationID for the place where the cross was made Long Integer
RECNO Assigned A sequential number ranging from 1 to total number of records used by GMSInput for index reference Long Integer
Primary key
GID Assigned GID number of a cross that GMSInput will assign during runtime Long Integer

If fields RECNO and GID are not present at the start of downloading GMSInput will add them. If they are present, RECNO must contain integers 1 to ’number of records’ and GID should contain zeros. RECNO must be the primary key in ascending order.

1.5.2 Cultivar List

A list of mixed germplasm often occurs from evaluation studies or other activities. These may be derivative or generative germplasm and often have cross histories given in purdy notation.

The input fields for this data type are:

NAME Yes Cultivar name Character
<100 bytes
NTYPE Yes Name type of cultivar name (ICIS fldno in UDFLDS table) Number
DATE Yes Germplasm date YYYMMDD. May be zero if unknown. Long Integer
LOCATION Yes ICIS Location ID for the place where the cross was made. May be zero if unknown. Long Integer
METHOD Yes Crossing Method (ICIS method no. in METHODS table) Number
Yes Purdy cross notation or cross string. May be blank if unknown Character
<100 bytes
CROSSDATE Yes Crossing date YYYMMDD. May be zero if unknown. Long Integer
ALTNAME No Alternate or other name Character
<100 bytes
ANTYPE If ALTNAME is given Name type of alternate or other name (ICIS fldno in UDFLDS table) Number
RECNO Assigned A sequential number ranging from 1 to total number of records used by GMSInput for index reference Long Integer Primary key
GID Assigned GID number of a cross that GMSInput will assign during runtime Long Integer

Again if the field RECNO and GID are not present in the table at the start, GMSInput will add them, but if they are parents, they must contain consecutive record numbers and zeros respectively and RECNO must be the primary key in ascending order.

1.5.3 Accession Data

Another type of information that GMSInput can handle is Accession data such the Maize Accession Database at CIMMYT and the IRGC Accession Database at IRRI. Because these databases have different formats the user has to do some pre-processing in order to download accession data to GMS.

The fields used for the accession download are the following:

ACCID Yes Accession identifier Character
CULTNAME No Cultivar name Character
ALTNAME No Alternative name Character
DERVNAME No Derivative or line name Character
CROSS No Purdy cross history Character
DNRNO No Donor number Character
ALTERID No Altenate accession identifier Character
SRCACC No Source Accession Character
SPECIES No Species Name Character
METHA Yes Accession method number Number
METHS Yes Source method number Number
AORIG No Accession origin number Number
BORIG No Biological origin number Number
ADATE No Accession date Number
SDATE No Source date Number
COLLID No Collector ID Character
STATUS No Biological status number Character
COLLENV No Collection environment number Character
MISSCDE No Mission code Character
DNRID No Donor ID or Donor cooperator code Character
DNRCTY No Country Code Character
RECNO Assigned A sequential number ranging from 1 to total number of records used by GMSInput for index reference Number
Primary key
GID Assigned GID number of an accession that GMSInput will assign during runtime Number

1.5.3a Pre-processing Accession Data

Using the CIMMYT Maize Accession Database as an example. The user must have knowledge of the accession database in order to pre-process the input file into the I_ACCESSION table in order for the GMSInput to download the records correctly.

The CIMMYT Maize Accession Database has the following data format:

ACCID Accession identifier Character
MISSCODE Mission code Character
COLLECTNO Collector’s number Character
ALTERID Alternate accession identifier Character
TAXNO Species number Number
CULTNAME Cultivar name Character
STAT Biological status Character
SOURCE Source Character
DCCODE Donor Cooperators code Character
DATERECD Date received Character
DATECOLL Date of collection Character
OISO Origin Geographic code Character
DISO Donor Geographic code Character
LAT Latitude Real
LON Longitude Real
ELEVATION Elevation Character
FAOTRUST FAO in-trust Character
LOCAT Source location name Character

The steps in pre-processing the data are:

1. Append records from the CIMMYT database with the following fields ACCID, CULTNAME, ALTERID, STAT, MISSCODE, COLLECTNO, DCCODE, DATERECD, DATECOLL to the GMSInput input table into fields, ACCID, CULTNAME, ALTERID, STATUS, MISSCDE, COLLID, DNRNO, ADATE, SDATE.

2. Look up OISO code in the location abbrevation field of ICIS and enter the corresponding location number into BORIG. Similarly load DISO to AORIG.

3. Look up LOCAT in the location name field of ICIS and if found put the LOCID in BORIG (First check the country agrees if BORIG is not null). If not found add a new location record to get a new LOCID.

4. Copy BORIG to AORIG wherever the latter is null.

5. Use the STAT, SOURCE and CULTNAME field to select a method number for each accession METHA and its source METHS.

6. Transfer all accession number found in CULTNAME and ALTNAME to ALTERID.

7. Set zero ("0") to all remaining null records.

1.5.4 Maize Pedigree

GMSInput can parse the maize pedigree data from the inventory worksheet of the Maize Fieldbook of CIMMYT. CIMMYT has a difference way of writing crosses and pedigree where such they use grouping symbols like round braces “( )”, square braces “[ ]” and curly braces “{ }” for indicating crosses.

Example: [(CML312/CML395)/(CML444/CML511)]

Since the “Maize Pedigree” input type is designed the process the entries that came from the CIMMYT‘s Maize Fieldbook, GMSInput has the facility to import the data from the inventory worksheet to an input table of GMSInput.



GMSInput needs to know what type of germplasm is going to process where it looks at the “TypeOfGermplasm” column from the maize input table to see if the entry is “L” for line, “H” for hybrid or “P” for population.

There are some string validations that GMSInput perform before processing an entry. Like, if the entry said to be a pedigree line (L), GMSInput looks for the “-“anywhere outside the cross notation.

Example: (CML312/CML442/CML511)-10-2-BBB

If the entry fails the string validation test, GMSInput give the user a chance to confirm or change the entry’s germplasm type.


In processing maize crosses or hybrid entries, GMSInput validates the consistency of the cross notation where as it checks for the cross identifier hierarchy.

Example: CML312/CML442//CML511

If the entry fails the cross consistency validation test, GMSInput give the user a chance to indicate the female and male parent of the cross or hybrid entry.


GMSInput also checks the grouping of the cross, where it checks the balance of cross’ grouping symbol.

If the entry fails the grouping symbol validation test, GMSInput give the user a chance to indicate the female and male parent of the cross or hybrid entry.


1.5.5 Starting GMSInput

Start GMSInput. Select GMSInput from the ICIS menu and the GMSInput startup window will appear (Figure 1.5.1).

The user must first click one of radio buttons in the "Input Type" panel (Figure 1.5.2) and select which input data type will be processed.

After selecting the input type, open the input table by clicking on the "Open" button. An open dialog box will appear (Figure 1.5.3), the user can type or use the lookup list box to select the input table which is located in the local database and click open. After opening the input table the user can then start processing the file by clicking on the "Download" button. At the start of the download GMSInput will run in "Step" mode this processes one record at a time. The user can validate if GMSInput has correctly parsed the record before moving to the next record. In " Step" mode, the user has the chance to accept or reject the processed record (Figure 1.5.4).

GMSInput searches the central and local database for existing germplasm records that have been used as parents or sources in the new entries, it also searches the databases to see if a new cross exists. If it does a Search GMS window will appear similar to Figure 1.5.5 and the user can select from the list box the appropriate germplasm entry and then click Select, or create a new germplasm entry by clicking New.

GMSInput remembers the selections made during run and assumes that if the same name occurs later, the same selection will be made.

When the user is satisfied that the download is proceeding correctly he can switch to "RUN" mode to speed up the download. After accepting or rejecting the last record processed in "STEP" mode the user can click on the "Run" button shown in Figure 1.5.6 and the "Download Range" window will appear. The user can enter the range of records to be processed and click OK. After processing the records in "Run" mode the user can again choose whether to run in "Step" or "Run" mode or stop the download and resume later. If the user chooses to resume later, the list of previous selection of parents is lost and must be built up again during the subsequent run.

Figure 1.5.1. GMS Input startup screen


Figure 1.5.2. Selecting Input Type


Figure 1.5.3. Opening an Input Table


Figure 1.5.4. GMSInput Running in Step Mode


Figure 1.5.5. Selecting an existing germplasm record


Figure 1.5.6. Specifying range of records for "RUN" mode


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