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--AAlcantara 09:19, 2 February 2006 (PHT)

1. Is there a way to view the list of previous batches of samples as shown below?

2. Menu options of Acquisition module are not accessible (disabled)

--AAlcantara|thumb|400px|none| 08:58, 15 February 2006 (PHT)

1. In Batch Info data entry form, a given specific batch_Id could not be retrieved. There is no LOV for previous BatchID.

2. As much as possible, please use the same titles and headers (for all data entry forms)to avoid confusion. For example in this form, header "SEED SOURCE" is missing, "Update Incoming names" is used instead of "Sample Information".

GRIMS Batch Data Entry form

3. Clicking the Lookup button of Seed Donor does not provide the list, the following message appears instead:

4. How to add a new batch of incoming samples?

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