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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Acquisition


Enter of Seed Batch Information


Entering of Seed Batch Information involves registration of the seed donor information and the acquisition date of a batch of seed samples. Information such as the donor's name, donor's country, and the donor's institute are entered in this form. The total number of seed samples given by the donor is entered which is required to validate the correctness of the actual number of seeds entered by the user to the system.

User interface form

Image:GRIMS frmACQ110.PNG


1. v_incoming_batch

create or replace view v_incoming_batch as

select e.listname batch_id,
 nvl(b.fname,'-') fname , 
 nvl(b.lname,'-') lname,
 nvl(b.lname,'') ||', ' || nvl(b.fname,'')  name, 
 nvl(d.isoabbr,'-') iso ,
 nvl(a.tot_received,0) tot_received, 
 nvl(f.mission_code, 0) mission_code,
 nvl(a.shu,'') shu,
 nvl(f.start_date,0) start_date,
 nvl(f.end_date,0) end_date,
 decode (nvl(e.liststatus,-1), 1, 'ACTIVE', 1001,'FINALIZED')   
 liststatus,  a.listid 
 tbl_batch a, irgcis_local.persons b, irgcis_local.institut c,     
 iris_central.cntry d, tbl_mission f, listnms e
 and c.cntryid=d.cntryid(+) 
 and e.listid=a.listid
 and a.mission_code=f.mission_code(+)

Percentage of work completed

95% Complete

The remaining 5% is for the reports/ prooflist that needs to be finalized and completed.

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