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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Characterization


Select Planting Material


The basic requirement for an accession to be considered for characterization planting is the absence of information about the accession, hence, samples newly acquired by the International Rice Genebank usually make it on the list of materials for characterization. Materials from previous characterizations with incomplete morphological and agronomic data are also included in the list, along with accessions which have to be re-characterized to verfiy some traits in question.

The Select Planting Material form allows the user to specify criteria which will dictate the inclusion or exclusion of samples in the list of planting materials. The criteria fields consist of the following: species (O. sativa, O. glaberrima, Wild), age of accessions (old or newly acquired), type of characterization process (for accessions with no description, incomplete description, or for re-characterization), cropyear(s) to be excluded, and additional descriptors such as country of origin, maturity (in days), topography, cultural type, and ecosystem. After the specification of criteria, the list of planting materials is generated by the system.

User Interface Forms

Figure 1. Initial form: specify species and type of accession
Figure 2. Specify criteria for wild species
Figure 3. Specify accession number range(s) for re-characterization
Figure 4. Specify morpho-agron traits of accessions for re-characterization

Figure 5. Final form: Specify general criteria

Use Case Definition

Use case name

1.1.0 Select Planting Material

Use case description

This use case involves the selection of planting material samples from old and new registered accessions for seed characterization. It allows the user to specify criteria for each selection.

User contacts n/a
Actors Genebank technician
Locations Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
Step 1. Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies criteria for selecting samples Step 2. System retrieves all samples that match the criteria specified by the Actor
Step 3. Use case is concluded when the Actor receives confirmation
Assumption/s n/a
Precondition/s n/a
Post condition/s Preliminary selection of planting material samples
Primary pathway Select planting material samples
Alternate pathway/s n/a
Exception pathway/s n/a
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