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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Characterization

Request for Seed Stocks


Once the list of selected planting material samples for characterization has been finalized, seed stocks can be requested using the Request for Seed Stocks form. The user may choose to define groupings for the samples prior to the seed request. Every successful submission of a seed request is assigned with a unique request number. The user may print a list of the groupings (if any) and/or a list of seed requests.

Use Case Definition

Use case name

1.3.0 Request for Seed Stocks

Use case description

This use case involves the grouping of samples in the selection, and requesting for seed stock of samples for characterization

User contacts n/a
Actors Genebank technician
Locations Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
Step 1. Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies the selection to be requested Step 2. System retrieves the finalized selection of samples
Step 3. Actor creates groupings for the samples in the selection (optional) Step 4. System sorts the samples based on any groupings created by the Actor. Database is updated.
Step 5. Actor requests for seed stocks corresponding to the samples in the selection Step 6. System updates the status of the selection. System generates a unique request number
Step 7. Actor is informed of the request number assigned to the requested seed stocks
Step 8. Actor requests for the prooflist of groupings and/or list of seed requests Step 9. System produces the prooflist of groupings and/or the list of seed requests
Step 10. Use case is concluded when the Actor receives confirmation
Assumption/s n/a
Precondition/s Finalized selection of planting material samples
Post condition/s Seed stocks of selected samples requested. Control is transferred to the Seed Management module (to serve the seed stock request)
Primary pathway Request for seed stocks of the selected planting material
Alternate pathway/s n/a
Exception pathway/s n/a
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