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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Characterization


Update Morpho-Agronomic Data (Master File)


The Update Morpho-Agronomic Data (Master File) allows the user to query or edit the morphological and agronomic data of accessions already stored in the Master File. The user may request for a prooflist of the data.

User Interface Form




Sample prooflist

Use Case Definition

Use case name

3.3.0 Update Morpho-Agronomic Data (Master File)

Use case description

This use case involves the query/modification of morphological-agronomic data of samples in the Master File

User contacts n/a
Actors Genebank technician
Locations Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
Step 1. Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies criteria for samples that will have their morphological-agronomic data queried/modified. Step 2. System retrieves data
Step 3. Actor views/edits the data Step 4. If data is modified, system checks validity and integrity of data. Database is updated
Step 5. Actor requests for a prooflist of the morphological-agronomic data Step 6. System produces the prooflist
Step 7. Use case is concluded when the Actor receives confirmation
Assumption/s n/a
Precondition/s n/a
Post condition/s n/a
Primary pathway Update/query morphological-agronomic data (in the master file)
Alternate pathway/s n/a
Exception pathway/s n/a
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