Correcting pedigree

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Managing Genealogy Data

Example: Westonia The germplasm we want to update is WESTONIA.

  • A search in GMSearch for WESTONIA, brings up GID 2447813 with unknown parents.
  • From other literature we found that the pedigree for WESTONIA was CO1190-203 / 84W127-501
  • Pedigree for CO1190-203 is SPICA/TIMGALEN//TOSCA
  • Pedigree for 84W127-501 is CRANBROOK//JACUP*2/BOBWHITE

Step 1

>westonia (Search for the germplasm)
>.1 (Pick the hit and notice that it shows no parents)
>.fcr SPICA/TIMGALEN//TOSCA (Search for one of the parents by cross)
1 CID261218 216687 BCID C2W  ? 0
>.rel (Look for offspring of this parent)
>.1 (Pick the first relative and look at the tree)
>.tre 216691
  1487WW77                                                         0  216691 
  2 +-CID261218                                                    0  216687 
  4 | +-CID261217                                                  0  216685 
  8 | | +-SPICA                                                    1    7996<
  9 | | +-TIMGALEN                                                 0   11825<
  5 | +-TOSCA                                                      0  216686 
 10 |   +-II7078                                                   0     351<
 11 |   +-NEWTHATCH                                                1     116<
  3 +-CID261221                                                    0  216690 
  6   +-CRANBROOK                                                  1  216637 
 13   | +-CID7518                                                  0   12658<
 14   | +-ZAMBEZI                                                  0   11121<
  7   +-CID261220                                                  0  216689 
 15     +-JACUP                                                    2  160402<
 16     +-CID261219                                                0  216688<

Step 2

>.16 (Pick the last cross - we want to add a better name)
>.loc western australia (Find the code for the name location)
>.name ,3,1228,0,0,jacup/bobwhite (Add the new name)
>.opt namp=1 (Set options to show all names on the tree)
>.tre 216691
  1487WW77,CID205626                                               0  216691 
  2 +-CID261218                                                    0  216687 
  4 | +-CID261217                                                  0  216685 
  8 | | +-SPICA,SPC,BW15695                                        1    7996<
  9 | | +-TIMGALEN,TG,BW444,CID6634,W.3128                         0   11825<
  5 | +-TOSCA,TOSCA,CWI3956,CID247539                              0  216686 
 10 |   +-II7078,CID6665                                           0     351<
 11 |   +-NEWTHATCH,N,CWI12230                                     1     116<
  3 +-CID261221                                                    0  216690 
  6   +-CRANBROOK,CRBK,CWI32423,CM8954-0AUS[AUS]                   1  216637 
 13   | +-CID7518                                                  0   12658<
 14   | +-ZAMBEZI,ZBZ,BW774,CID5856                                0   11121<
  7   +-CID261220                                                  0  216689 
 15     +-JACUP,JACUP,CWI25580                                     2  160402<
 16     +-CID261219,JACUP/BOBWHITE                                 0  216688<
>.7 (Add a name to the row numbered 7 also)
>.name ,3,1228,0,0,jacup*2/bobwhite

Step 3

>.3 (Add a cross name to the line numbered 3 in the tree)
>.name ,2,1228,0,0,84w127
>.tre 216691
  1487WW77,CID205626                                               0  216691 
  2 +-CID261218                                                    0  216687 
  4 | +-CID261217                                                  0  216685 
  8 | | +-SPICA,SPC,BW15695                                        1    7996<
  9 | | +-TIMGALEN,TG,BW444,CID6634,W.3128                         0   11825<
  5 | +-TOSCA,TOSCA,CWI3956,CID247539                              0  216686 
 10 |   +-II7078,CID6665                                           0     351<
 11 |   +-NEWTHATCH,N,CWI12230                                     1     116<
  3 +-CID261221,84 W 127                                           0  216690 
  6   +-CRANBROOK,CRBK,CWI32423,CM8954-0AUS[AUS]                   1  216637 
 13   | +-CID7518                                                  0   12658<
 14   | +-ZAMBEZI,ZBZ,BW774,CID5856                                0   11121<
  7   +-CID261220,JACUP*2/BOBWHITE                                 0  216689 
 15     +-JACUP,JACUP,CWI25580                                     2  160402<
 16     +-CID261219,JACUP/BOBWHITE                                 0  216688<

Now go to SETGEN and add the line 84 W 127-501 with unknown derivative method Save to GMS and return to BROWSE

>84w127% (Search for lines from this cross)
>.tre 216691

Step 4

>.1 (Pick the first cross from the tree)
>.set gpid2=-2 (Set the male parent to the new line)
>.tre 216691
  1487WW77,CID205626                                               0  216691 
  2 +-CID261218                                                    0  216687 
  4 | +-CID261217                                                  0  216685 
  9 | | +-SPICA,SPC,BW15695                                        1    7996<
 10 | | +-TIMGALEN,TG,BW444,CID6634,W.3128                         0   11825<
  5 | +-TOSCA,TOSCA,CWI3956,CID247539                              0  216686 
 11 |   +-II7078,CID6665                                           0     351<
 12 |   +-NEWTHATCH,N,CWI12230                                     1     116<
  3 +-84 W 127-501                                                 ?      -2 
  7   +-CRANBROOK,CRBK,CWI32423,CM8954-0AUS[AUS]                   1  216637 
 14   | +-CID7518                                                  0   12658<
 15   | +-ZAMBEZI,ZBZ,BW774,CID5856                                0   11121<
  8   +-CID261220,JACUP*2/BOBWHITE                                 0  216689 
 16     +-JACUP,JACUP,CWI25580                                     2  160402<
 17     +-CID261219,JACUP/BOBWHITE                                 0  216688<
>.loc victoria (Look up the location number for Victoria)
>.4 (Pick the line numbered 4 in the tree and add an unknown cross name)
>.name ,3,1227,0,0,spica/timgalen
>.2 (Pick the line numbered 2 in the tree)
>.name ,2,1227,0,0,co1190 (Add a cross number)
>.name ,3,1228,0,0,spica/timgalen//tosca (Add an unnamed cross name too)

Go to SETGEN and Add a new line CO1190-203 with unknown derivative method Save and Go back to BROWSE


Step 5

>.1 (Pick the first cross from the tree and change the female parent to the new line)
>.set gpid1=-3
>westonia (Look for Westonia again)
>.set gpid1=216691 (Set the cross to the one just modified)
----------------------------------------------------------------- GID: 2447813
CROSS: CO 1190-203/ 84 W 127-501
  1WESTONIA,CID391475                                              ? 2447813 
  3 +-CO 1190-203                                                  ?      -3 
  6 | +-CID261217,SPICA/TIMGALEN                                   0  216685 
 11 | | +-SPICA,SPC,BW15695                                        1    7996<
 12 | | +-TIMGALEN,TG,BW444,CID6634,W.3128                         0   11825<
  7 | +-TOSCA,TOSCA,CWI3956,CID247539                              0  216686 
 13 |   +-II7078,CID6665                                           0     351<
 14 |   +-NEWTHATCH,N,CWI12230                                     1     116<
  4 +-84 W 127-501                                                 ?      -2 
  9   +-CRANBROOK,CRBK,CWI32423,CM8954-0AUS[AUS]                   1  216637 
 16   | +-CID7518                                                  0   12658<
 17   | +-ZAMBEZI,ZBZ,BW774,CID5856                                0   11121<
 10   +-CID261220,JACUP*2/BOBWHITE                                 0  216689 
 18     +-JACUP,JACUP,CWI25580                                     2  160402<
 19     +-CID261219,JACUP/BOBWHITE                                 0  216688<
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