Diagnostic Tool 5.4

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Application Programs 5.4 > Installation Diagnostic Tool

This version: 5.4.1 (ICIS Workshop 2007 Release)

See Version 5.4.2


Version 5.4.1


The ICIS Installation Diagnostic Tool is an application that tests the different components of your ICIS installation to determine the cause of error situations. This is useful in troubleshooting when your ICIS application is not functioning properly.

User Interface: Version 5.4

Just choose the test(s) you want to execute and click on the "Run" button.

The ICIS Installation Diagnostic Tool (version 5.3; unofficially released) was developed using Visual Basic 6. Version 5.4 was developed using Delphi.

Configuration Test

(Can be used on datasources associated with different database backends (MS Access,MySQL, PostgreSQL))

If you choose to execute the Configuration Test, the application will show you the result similar to the following:

System Configuration
 Operating System: MSWinXP Workstation Ver.5.1 Service Pack 2 (Build 2600)
 ICIS ODBC settings:
    Central GMS: Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)
    Local GMS: Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)
    Central DMS: Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)
    Local DMS: Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)
 ICIS module versions:
    icis32.dll: Thursday, February 10, 2005 10:46:11 AM (
    Browse.exe: Friday, May 20, 2005 11:13:52 AM (Unknown)
    GMSSrch.exe: Thursday, August 04, 2005 4:07:27 PM (
    SetGen.exe: Tuesday, July 26, 2005 3:35:47 PM (
    InTrack.exe: Friday, July 29, 2005 3:27:00 PM (
    DMSWRBK.XLA: Wednesday, February 02, 2005 11:06:52 AM (Unknown)

Database Test

If you choose to execute the Database Test, the application will show you the result similar to the following:

Database Structure
Central GMS
 table: ATRIBUTS (771780 records)
 table: BIBREFS (257 records)
 table: CHANGES (230089 records)
 table: GEOREF (4219 records)
 table: GERMPLSM (1935810 records)
 table: INSTLN (72 records)

DLL Test

If you choose to execute the DLL Test, the application will show you the result similar to the following:

DLL Functions
GMS_openDatabase2 (OK)
DMS_openDatabase (OK)

Error Codes (since v5.4)

Reference of error codes and the recommended action to fix the error situation.

Error-0001: Invalid ODBC DSN


  • "Error-0001: Invalid ODBC DSN"
  • "Error-0001: Invalid ODBC DSN. The DSN does not exist"
  • "Error-0001: Invalid ODBC DSN. Microsoft Access database (.MDB) specified for the DSN does not exist"

The indicated ODBC DSN supplied in the ICIS.INI file is invalid, or the database location associated with the DSN does not exist.
Navigate to "Control Panel". Then click on "Administrative Tools". Click on "Data Sources". Check if the DSN exists in the ODBC Data Sources Panel.

Error-0002: ODBC Connection failed for ODBC DSN


  • "Error-0002: ODBC Connection failed for ODBC DSN"
  • "Error-0002: ODBC Connection failed for ODBC DSN. No username (UID) supplied in configuration (.INI) file"
  • "Error-0002: ODBC Connection failed for ODBC DSN. No password (PWD) supplied in configuration (.INI) file"

The connection credentials (username, password) supplied for the DSN are incorrect.
Supply with complete and correct connection credentials. Check your ICIS configuration (.INI) file.

Error-0003: Module is not compatible with ICIS32.dll. Please upgrade your module to version a.b.x.x

An ICIS module is not compatible with the ICIS application installed (DLL compatibility issue)

  • Module versioning
  Format: a.b.c.d
a = foundation class
b = dll compatibility
c = additional functions/features
d = bugfix

Download the module with the correct version compatible with the installed ICIS application release. http://cropforge.org

Error-0004: ICIS32.dll is not compatible with ICIS release (foundation class). Please upgrade your ICIS32.dll to version a.b.x.x

The ICIS32.dll is not compatible with the ICIS application installed (foundation class compatibility issue)

  • DLL versioning
  Format: a.b.c.d
a = foundation class (ICIS Annual Workshop).
b = change in the db structure or change in technology or algorithm (e.g. Web service)
c = additional functions/features
d = bugfix

Download the ICIS32.dll with the correct version compatible with the installed ICIS application release. http://cropforge.org

Error-0005: User Access Error: Missing / incorrect USERS record

Username and Password credentials from the ICIS configuration (.INI) file are checked against the USERS table. The credentials were not found.
The UID and PWD entries in the ICIS configuration file are not found in the USERS table. Modify the UID and PWD to correspond to the valid USERS record.

Error-0006: User Access Error: Missing / incorrect INSTLN record

Username and Password credentials from the ICIS configuration (.INI) file are checked against the INSTLN table. The credentials were not found.
The value of the table field USERS.INSTALID does not correspond to the INSTLN table records. Modify the value of the table field USER.INSTALID to a valid INSTLN table record.

Error-0007: DB table not found

An ICIS database table is missing.
Download the scripts that will fix the ICIS database from http://cropforge.org

Error-0008: DB table column not found

A column from an ICIS database table is missing.
Download the scripts that will fix the ICIS database from http://cropforge.org

Error-0009: Resource file is missing <filepath>

A required resource file is missing. The existence of the following files are checked: LAUNCHER.TXT, ICIS32.DLL
Make sure the file exists in the specified directory.

Error-0010: No value specified for key <key name> under section <section name> of the ICIS configuration (.INI) file.


  • "Error-0010: No value specified for key <key name> under section <section name> of the ICIS configuration (.INI) file"
  • "Error-0010: No value specified for key <key name> under section <section name> of the ICIS configuration (.INI) file. Or Section-Key combination does not exist."

There is no value specified for key [key name] under section [section name], or the section-key combination does not exist in the ICIS configuration file.
Supply the missing value for section-key pair in the ICIS configuration file.

Error-0011: File path specified in ICIS.INI does not exist

File/directory path specified in ICIS.INI file is invalid
Modify file/directory in ICIS.INI file (section(s) and key(s) with the invalid path will be indicated)

Error-0100: Internal function failed to execute. [procedure name]

There is a bug in the ICIS diagnostics application.
Report to cropforge.org

Warning Codes (since v5.4)

Warning-0001: DB index not found

An index from an ICIS database table is missing.
Download the scripts that will fix the ICIS database from http://cropforge.org

Warning-0002: DB table column not set as REQUIRED

A column from an ICIS database table is not defined properly.
Download the scripts that will fix the ICIS database from http://cropforge.org

WHAT'S NEW in Version 5.4.1

Configuration Test

  • Option to specify which data source name(s) to test

  • Checking for existence of required resource files (LAUNCHER.TXT, ICIS32.DLL). Error-0009

  • Checking for existence of data source name specified in ICIS configuration file.Error-0001

  • Checking of database file location/path (i.e. .MDB file (MS Access)) associated with an ODBC data source name (refined algorithm). Error-0001

  • Checking for existence of key value in the ICIS configuration (.INI) file. Error-0010

  • Option to check ODBC DSN for Inventory Management System (IMS) and Gene Management System (GEMS)
ICIS ODBC Settings:
 IMS:          [LOCAL-IRIS-DMS-TRAINING] Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)
 Central GEMS: [CENTRAL-IRIS-GEMS] Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb) (OK)

  • Validation of file/directory paths specified in ICIS configuration (.INI) file. Error-0011
ICIS.INI paths:
    [BROWSE]           LASTDIR=E:\ICIS5 (OK) 
    [WORKBOOK]         IMAGE=E:\ICIS5\Exes\dmsfiles\themes\wheat.bmp (OK) 
    [WORKBOOK]         WORKBOOK=E:\ICIS5\Exes (OK) 
    [WORKBOOK]         LASTDIR=E:\ICIS5 (OK) 
    [WORKBOOK]         HELPFILE=E:\ICIS5\Exes\dmsfiles\help\index.html.lnk (OK) 
    [RETRIEVER]        FILE=E:\ICIS5\Database\IRIS\Local\Training-RTV.mdb (OK)

  • New error code: " Error-0011 : File path specified in ICIS.INI does not exist" (File/directory specified in ICIS.INI is not valid)

  • Checking of module version against ICIS32.dll version (algorithm refined). Error-0003

  • Checking of ICIS32.dll version against ICIS release/schema version. Error-0004

  • Option to change the ICIS configuration (.INI) file to use in the test

Database Test

(Currently for use with MS Access databases only)

  • Option to specify which database(s) to test

  • Option to check the schema of the Inventory Management System (IMS)

  • Option to enable automatic modification (ICISAutoMod) of local GMS/DMS/IMS database (to correspond to v5.4 of ICIS schema). For MS Access databases only.

For central databases, automatic modification is not performed, however the tool has a facility for generating SQLs needed to update these to version 5.4. See changes in ICIS Schema here:

  • On-the-fly generation of SQL patches for some missing DB table columns and DB indices. SQL patches are written in MS Access syntax only.
i. In-line with diagnostic results (indicated by <<<startpatch>>> ... <<<endpatch>>> tags)


ii. Separate text file


  • Error-0004 changed: "Invalid DB Structure" changed to "ICIS32.dll is not compatible with ICIS release"

  • Error-0010 changed: "DB table column not set as REQUIRED" changed to "No DSN specified for [database] in ICIS.INI"

  • Error-0009 changed: "DB index not found" changed to "Resource file is missing [filepath]"

  • "Error-0009: DB index not found" in Version 5.3 is lowered to a warning only ("Warning-0001: DB index not found").

  • "Error-0010: DB table column not set as REQUIRED" in Version 5.3 is lowered to a warning only ("Warning-0002: DB table column not set as REQUIRED").

  • Compares INSTLN records of local and central database; checks every column (not just Installation ID). Tool indicates which fields do not have the same value. Inconsistencies between the two INSTLN records have been observed as a cause of error in ICIS installations. Error-0006

  • Option to change the .SQL files to compare with the databases in the test

DLL Test

  • Test parameters/data no longer hardcoded in the application.
  • Option to check additional functions/procedures in ICIS32.DLL
    • IMS_OpenDatabase()
    • GEMS_OpenDatabase()


  • The different tests (Configuration, Database, etc.) of the Installation Diagnostic Tool may be run independently.

  • Display of detections are classified into two categories: Errors (critical issues) and Warnings (less-critical issues).

  • More informative error/warning messages. Error/warning messages have variations to help pinpoint the cause of the issue and/or recommend a solution to the issue.

  • Indents,extra spaces between sections, improved section headers/dividers placed in "Results" textfile for better readability

  • Expandable box for displaying diagnostic results. At the end of the test, the form window is automatically maximized.

  • Improved "About" form containing more information, plus the GNU General Public License. CRIL and IRRI logos also included.


  • Introduction of application icon


  • Message box appears at the end of the test, with summary of number of errors and warnings.


Powerpoint presentation

Installation Diagnostic Tool (PDF)

Version 5.4.2

See Version 5.4.2

Personal tools