GRIMS Insert Atributs
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Create Passport Atributs
SQL statement that creates an output file of the sql script that inserts the data into Local ATRIBUTS table.
spool upload_passport.sql select '-- ' || column_name || ' insert into atributs select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, ' || GET_ATYPE(COLUMN_NAME) || ' -1, a.' || lower(COLUMN_NAME) || ', NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,''YYYYMMDD'')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.' || column_name || ' is not null ; ' from all_tab_columns where table_name like upper('passport1') and owner like upper('gbuser') order by column_name; spool off; @upload_passport.sql; exit;
Content of upload_passport.sql
--ACQ_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -2, -1, TO_CHAR(a.acq_date,'YYYYMMDD'), NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.ACQ_DATE is not null ; --COLL_date INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 1136, -1, nvl(a.coll_year,'00') || decode(a.coll_month,'JAN','01', 'FEB','02', 'MAR','03', 'APR','04', 'MAY','05', 'JUN','06', 'JUL','07', 'AUG','08', 'SEP','09', 'OCT','10', 'NOV','11', 'DEC','12','00') || lpad(nvl(coll_day,'00'),2,'0'), NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and (a.COLL_MONTH is not null or a.coll_day is not null or a.coll_year is not null) ; --COLL_SOURCE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 1135, -1, a.coll_source, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.COLL_SOURCE is not null ; --COLL_SOURCE_OTH INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -9, -1, a.coll_source_oth, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.COLL_SOURCE_OTH is not null ; --CULT_TYPE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -11, -1, a.cult_type, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.CULT_TYPE is not null ; --DIRECT_SEED INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -12, -1, a.direct_seed, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.DIRECT_SEED is not null ; --DISTRICT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -13, -1, a.district, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.DISTRICT is not null ; --DOUBLE_TRANS INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -14, -1, a.double_trans, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.DOUBLE_TRANS is not null ; --DRAINAGE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -15, -1, a.drainage, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.DRAINAGE is not null ; --ECOSYS INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -16, -1, a.ecosys, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.ECOSYS is not null ; --ECOZONE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -17, -1, a.ecozone, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.ECOZONE is not null ; --FAO_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 1131, -1, a.fao_date, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.FAO_DATE is not null ; --FAO_PROC INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -20, -1, a.fao_proc, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.FAO_PROC is not null ; --FAO_REMARKS INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -21, -1, a.fao_remarks, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.FAO_REMARKS is not null ; --FREQ INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -22, -1, a.freq, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.FREQ is not null ; --FUND INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -23, -1,, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.FUND is not null ; --GROWER INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -24, -1, a.grower, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.GROWER is not null ; --HARVEST_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -25, -1, a.harvest_date, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.HARVEST_DATE is not null ; --HERB INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -26, -1, a.herb, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.HERB is not null ; --LANG_VAR INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -27, -1, a.lang_var, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.LANG_VAR is not null ; --MAT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -28, -1, a.mat, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MAT is not null ; --MISSION_CODE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -29, -1, a.mission_code, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MISSION_CODE is not null ; INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS --MIXED_STAND select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -30, -1, a.mixed_stand, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MIXED_STAND is not null ; --MLS_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 223, -1, a.mls_date, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MLS_DATE is not null ; --MLS_PROC INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -32, -1, a.mls_proc, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MLS_PROC is not null ; --MNG_VAR INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -33, -1, a.mng_var, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.MNG_VAR is not null ; --ORI_COUNTRY INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 224, -1, a.ori_country, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.ORI_COUNTRY is not null ; --PREV_NAME INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -35, -1, a.prev_name, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.PREV_NAME is not null ; --PROV INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -36, -1, a.prov, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.PROV is not null ; --REID_CODE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -2165, -1, a.reid_code, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REID_CODE is not null ; --REM_GRAIN INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -37, -1, a.rem_grain, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_GRAIN is not null ; --REM_LAT_LONGI INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -38, -1, a.rem_lat_longi, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_LAT_LONGI is not null ; --REM_OTHER INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -39, -1, a.rem_other, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_OTHER is not null ; --REM_PEST INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -40, -1, a.rem_pest, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_PEST is not null ; --REM_PLANT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -41, -1, a.rem_plant, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_PLANT is not null ; --REM_SAMPLE_STAT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -42, -1, a.rem_sample_stat, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_SAMPLE_STAT is not null ; --REM_SPECIAL INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -43, -1, a.rem_special, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.REM_SPECIAL is not null ; --SAMPLE_STAT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -44, -1, a.sample_stat, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMPLE_STAT is not null ; --SAMPLE_STAT_OTH INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -45, -1, a.sample_stat_oth, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMPLE_STAT_OTH is not null ; --SAMPLE_TYPE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -46, -1, a.sample_type, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMPLE_TYPE is not null ; --SAMP_METHOD INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -47, -1, a.samp_method, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMP_METHOD is not null ; --SAMP_METHOD_SP INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -48, -1, a.samp_method_sp, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMP_METHOD_SP is not null ; --SAMP_ORIG INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -49, -1, a.samp_orig, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SAMP_ORIG is not null ; --SEED_FILE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -50, -1, a.seed_file, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SEED_FILE is not null ; --SENDER_CCODE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -52, -1, a.sender_ccode, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SENDER_CCODE is not null ; --SHIFT_CULT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -58, -1, a.shift_cult, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SHIFT_CULT is not null ; --SITE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -56, -1,, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SITE is not null ; --SOIL_TEXT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -57, -1, a.soil_text, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SOIL_TEXT is not null ; --SOURCE_INFO INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -2175, -1, a.source_info, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SOURCE_INFO is not null ; --SOW_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -59, -1, a.sow_date, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SOW_DATE is not null ; --SPP_CODE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 1133, -1, a.spp_code, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SPP_CODE is not null ; --SS_COUNTRY INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -62, -1, a.ss_country, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SS_COUNTRY is not null ; --SS_STATION INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -63, -1, a.ss_station, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.SS_STATION is not null ; --STATUS_ACC INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -65, -1, a.status_acc, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.STATUS_ACC is not null ; --TAXNO INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -66, -1, a.taxno, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TAXNO is not null ; --TERRACED_CULT INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -67, -1, a.terraced_cult, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TERRACED_CULT is not null ; --TOPO INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -68, -1, a.topo, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TOPO is not null ; --TOPO_OTH INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -69, -1, a.topo_oth, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TOPO_OTH is not null ; --TOWN INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -70, -1,, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TOWN is not null ; --TRANS_DATE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -71, -1, a.trans_date, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.TRANS_DATE is not null ; --USAGE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -72, -1, a.usage, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.USAGE is not null ; --VARLINE_TYPE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -73, -1, a.varline_type, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.VARLINE_TYPE is not null ; --VAR_SAMP INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -75, -1, a.var_samp, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.VAR_SAMP is not null ; --VG INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, 1132, -1,, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.VG is not null ; --VILLAGE INSERT INTO ATRIBUTS select atributs_seq.nextval, a.gid, -77, -1, a.village, NVL(B.CNTRYID,0), 0, TO_NUMBER(TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYYMMDD')) from passport1 a, iris_central.cntry b where a.ori_Country=b.isothree(+) and a.VILLAGE is not null ; COMMIT;