GRIMS Update ims lot
From ICISWiki
Update IMS_LOT table
The procedure is executed periodically whenever a positive germplasm identfication(GID) number is assigned to the newly harvested samples . The assignment of positive (+) GID is handled by the IRIS database administrator (DBA). Until a new GID is assigned, the IMS_LOT and ACCESSION_STORED tables store a negative (-) GID.
A use case that allows the IRIS DBA to execute this procedure is one of the functionalities of the GRIMS.
CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE Update_ims_lot_neg_gid IS /* 16 Nov 2004 a procedure to update the ims_lot and accession_stored tables */ xAccno NUMBER; xCropyear VARCHAR2(6); xGID NUMBER; xCGID NUMBER; CURSOR GET_list IS SELECT DISTINCT a.accno, a.cropyear, a.gid, b.cgid FROM accession_stored a, TBL_GENERATION b WHERE a.accno=b.accno AND a.cropyear=b.cropyear AND a.gid=b.gid AND a.gid<0 AND b.cgid>0; BEGIN OPEN GET_list; LOOP FETCH GET_list INTO xAccno, xCropyear, xGID, xCGID ; EXIT WHEN GET_list%NOTFOUND; /* * update accession stored gid and ims_lot * where gid is not positive */ UPDATE accession_stored SET gid=xCgid WHERE accno=xAccno AND cropyear=xCropyear AND gid=xGID; UPDATE IMS_LOT SET eid=xCgid WHERE eid=xGID; END LOOP; CLOSE GET_list; END; /