GRIMS data migration

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IRGCIS Data Migration to IRIS

This page documents the migration of IRGCIS data to IRIS. This also describes and defines the database objects (i.e. table columns or fields) used.


Field Definition: Germplasm Table

Field To-Date Implementation for IRGCIS Data Established definition
Germplasm Date (GDATE) Generation 0 germplasm- Acquisition date for IRGC germplasm

Generation 1..n -Harvest date

Germplasm Location (GLOCN) Gen 0 - Donor institute; donor country if institute is not supplied

Gen 1..n - IRRI

Management Group ID (MGID) The GID of the incoming sample. The GID of the germplasm at the root of the management tree, else 0.
Germplasm Method (METHN) The method of genesis for the germplasm. The method of genesis for the germplasm.

Please see Discussion Page

Germplasm Names

Field Definition: Names Table

Field To-Date Implementation for IRGCIS Data Established definition
Name Date (NDATE) Gen 1..n -Harvest date for geration 1..n
Names Location (NLOCN) (If name Type is accno) IRRI

Gen 1..n - IRRI

Please see Discussion Page

Germplasm Methods

Passport Data

Please see Discussion Page

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