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Update Seed Stock

GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Acquisition
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The Update Seed Stock allows the user to modify the seed inventory for active and base collection. It aslo allows the user to process the newly registered seeds to be sent to National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation(NCGRP).

The form also permits the user to supply information that the seeds planted for seed increase are placed in the holding storage for drying. Additionally, the form the user to get planting materials from the harvested seeds for immediate planting.

Use Case Definition

Use case name

3.4.0 Update Seed Stock

Use case description

The use case manages and updates information of germplasms regarding the amount of seed stored in active/bulk, base. The use case also processes seeds to be sent to NCGRP.
User contacts Genebank Technician, Barcode Reader, Weighing Balance
Actors Genebank technician
Locations Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
Step 1. Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies the crop season the seeds to be processed belong. Step 2. System retrieves all samples planted based on the criteria provided by the Actor
Step 3. The actor specifies the LOT ID of the LOT to be updated through the barcode reader or by giving the accession number. Step 4. System retrieves the LOT of the specified LOTID or the LOTS if accession number is supplied.
Step 5. The actor modifies the LOT/s. Step 6. System stores the changes
Step 7. The actor requests for a prooflist Step 8. System processes the prooflist
Step 9. Use case is concluded when the Actor receives the prooflist

Assumption/s Lot ID has been assigned
Precondition/s n/a
Post condition/s Updated seed stock
Primary pathway Update seed stock
Alternate pathway/s n/a
Exception pathway/s n/a
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