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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Multiplication


Edit/Finalize Planting Material


After the system generates the preliminary list of selected planting material samples for multiplication, the user can modify the contents of this list using the Edit/Finalize Planting Material form. From the preliminary list, the user can specify which planting materials are to be finalized or deleted. Materials can be finalized/deleted in three ways: finalize/delete by country of origin, finalize/delete by accession range, or finalize/delete all.

User Interface Forms


Figure 1. Parent form: Display accessions in selection

Specify accessions to be final

Figure 2. Finalize accessions with specific country of origin

Use Case Definition

Use case name

1.2.0 Edit/ Finalize Planting Material

Use case description

This use case involves the modification/finalization of a selection of planting material samples for multiplication

User contacts n/a
Actors Genebank technician
Locations Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action System Response
Step 1. Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies the samples to be deleted from the selection Step 2. System deletes specified samples
Step 3. Actor finalizes the preliminary selection Step 4. System updates the status of the selection
Step 5. Actor requests for a prooflist of selected samples Step 6. System produces a prooflist of selected samples
Step 7. Use case is concluded when the Actor receives confirmation
Assumption/s Deletion can only performed on a selection of status “Preliminary” or “Final”
Precondition/s Preliminary selection of planting material samples
Post condition/s Finalized selection of planting material samples
Primary pathway Edit/finalize planting material samples
Alternate pathway/s View requested planting material samples (after request for seed stocks)
Exception pathway/s n/a
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