From ICISWiki
Request for Seed Stocks
Once the list of selected planting material samples for multiplication has been finalized, seed stocks can be requested using the Request for Seed Stocks form. Samples for replanting (with Non-viable status) may also be requested.
The user may request for a prooflist of samples included in the request.
User Interface Form
Use Case Definition
Use case name
| 1.3.0 Request for Seed Stocks
Use case description
This use case involves requesting for seed stocks of samples for multiplication.
User contacts
| n/a
| Genebank technician
| Genebank
| 1
Typical Course of Events:
Actor Action
| System Response
Step 1.
| Use case is initiated when the Actor specifies the list of samples (from selection or list of non-viable samples)
| Step 2.
| System retrieves the list of samples.
Step 3.
| Actor requests for seed stocks corresponding to the samples
| Step 4.
| System updates the status of the selection. System generates a unique request number
Step 5.
| Actor is informed of the request number assigned to the requested seed stocks
Step 6.
| Actor requests for the prooflist of seed requests
| Step 7.
| System produces the prooflist
Step 8.
| Use case is concluded when the Actor receives confirmation
| n/a
| Finalized selection of planting material samples
Post condition/s
| Seed stocks of selected samples requested. Control is transferred to the Seed Management module (to serve the seed stock request)
Primary pathway
| Request for seed stocks of the selected planting material
Alternate pathway/s
| n/a
Exception pathway/s
| n/a