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Monitor &/or Approve Request For Distribution

GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Management
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Graphical User Interface

Seed requests for distribution

Main Form
Shows all pending and still being processed seed requests for distribution
Request details
Shows all accessions with their corresponsing names
Seed sources
Shows all available seed sources
Select sources
Allows manual selection of seed sources


Printing of prooflists
Label printing
Label preview

Use Case Definition

Use Case Name 1.2.1 Monitor/ Approve Seed Request for Distribution
Use Case Definition The use case allows the actor to approve a particular seed request for distribution. It allows him to withdraw the seeds and to update the seed inventory.
User Contacts n/a
Actors Genebank Seed Export Secretary
Location Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events
Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The use case is initiated when the actor specifies the request number (or list name) of the seeds for distribution. Step 2: The system retrieves information and outputs of the seed list. The system also outputs the seed source(s) (LOTS) for each germplasm requested.
Step 3: The actor selectes the lot where the germplasm must be withdrawn. Step 4: The system updates the database and outputs process confirmation to the actor.
Step 5: Use case is concluded when the actor receives the process confirmation. Step 5:
Assumption/s Germplasm seed request list
Post-condition/s Seed source is picked for withdrawal.
Primary Pathway/s
Alternative Pathway/s
Exception Pathway/s n/a
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