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Monitor &/or Approve Request For Planting (Chracterization/ Seed Increase)
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GRIMS functionality >
Seed Management
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User Interface
Step 1: List of requests for planting
| Step 2: Seed list summary
| Step 2: Select seed source
Use Case Definition
Use Case Name
| 1.2.2 Monitor &/or Approve Request For Planting (Chracterization/ Seed Increase)
Use Case Definition
| The use case allows the actor to approve and release seed request for the purpose of seed rejuvenation and seed characterization.
User Contacts
| n/a
| Genebank Manager
| Genebank
| 1
Typical Course of Events
Actor Action
| System Response
Step 1:
| The use case is initiated when the actor specifies the request number (or list name) of the seeds to be withdrawn.
| Step 2:
| The system retrieves information and outputs the seed list. The system also outputs the seed source(s) (LOTS) for each germplasm requested.
Step 3:
| The actor selectes the lot where the germplasm must be withdrawn.
| Step 4:
| The system updates the database. A list that complies to ICIS Application (i.e. ICIS SetGen) is created. Outputs process confirmation to the actor.
Step 5:
| Use case is concluded when the actor receives the process confirmation.
| Step 5:
| Availability of the germplasm seed request list
| Seeds are withdrawn and the seed inventory is updated
Primary Pathway/s
| Withdraw seeds for distribution
Alternative Pathway/s
| IMS Intrack
Exception Pathway/s
| n/a