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Withdraw Seeds for Viability Monitoring

GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Management
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The use case is used to ensure that the Genebank collection is viable to ensure the conservation of rice germplasm. All germplasm is subject for germination testing if the current viability that falls below the 85% of it's initial or very first germination testin AND/OR the viability is less than 72%.

User Interface

Viability monitoring main form

Process new set of data/ create new seed list for viability monitoring


Use Case Definition

Use Case Name 2.1.1 Withdraw Seeds for Viability Monitoring
Use Case Definition The use case allows the actor to select seeds for viability monitoring based on the criteria submitted.
User Contacts n/a
Actors Genebank Manager
Location Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events
Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The use case is initiated when the actor specifies the ff:

1) Year(s) from last germination date
2) Species name
3) Scale (active/ base)

Step 2: The system retrieves the germplasm that satisfies the criteria given by the actor. All germplasm with current viability that falls below the 85% of it's initial/ first germination AND/OR less than 72% is subject for germination testing.
Step 3: The use case is concluded when the actor receives confirmation from the system that the seedlist is already created. Prroflist is printed/ Step 4:
Assumption/s n/a
Primary Pathway/s Withdraw seeds for viability monitoring
Alternative Pathway/s n/a
Exception Pathway/s n/a
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