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Entering Passport Information


User interface form

Image:GRIMS frmACQ310.PNG

Basic Information

Field Name Description
Batch ID Identification code assigned to a batch.
Entry No Entry number assigned to a sample.
Temp ID Unique temporary identification number generated for every sample.
Collection No Number or code assigned by the collecting team to the sample gathered.
Species Name Specie name of the sample.
Variety Name Local/vernacular name of the sample.
Origin Country of origin of the sample.

Collecting Team

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140a.png

Field Name Description
Source of Information Refers to the person or publication where the passport information was obtained.
Collection No Number or code assigned by the collecting team to the sample gathered.
Collection Date Date sample was collected.
Mission Code GRIMS assigned code to the mision
Start Date Date the mission started.
End Date Date the mission ended.
Funding Institute Institutethat funded the collecting mission.
Cooperators Names of the donor/ cooperators who participated in the collection of seed sample.


Image:GRIMS frmACQ140b.png

Field Name Description
Language of Variety Name Language/dialect of the varietal name or vernacular name of wild species.
Meaning of Variety Name Translation of the vernacular name into English.


Image:GRIMS frmACQ140c.png

Field Name Description
Latitude Latitude is the angular distance north or south from the earth's equator. Format : degree.minute.second.direction
Longitude Longitude is the arc of the earth's equator intersected between the meridian of a given place and the prime meridian. Format : degree.minute.second.direction
Altitude (m) Elevation above sea level in meters.
Village Village where sample was collected.
Town/city Town or city where sample was collected.
District District where sample was collected.
Province Province where sample was collected.
Grower Name of farmer or grower of the sample collected.
Source Type of source location of the germplasm [i.e. farmland, threshing floor, farm store, market, institute, field border, wild]
Specify (if others) Specify source not in the list.

Characteristics of Material Collected

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140d.png

Field Name Description
Status of Sample Type of germplasm collected [i.e. wild, weedy, primitive cultivar]
Type of Sample Plant parts collected [i.e seeds, panicle, vegetative]
Herbarium Sample Presence Indicates whether an herbarium sample was taken on the sample or not.
Specify (if others) Mention other characteristics observed.
Varietal sample Describes the composition of the variety collected [i.e. single variety, varietal mixture]
Sampling method Indicates how the collected material were sampled [i.e. random, non-random]
Sample origin Indicates whether a sample is indigenous or introduced to the area where it was collected [i.e. local, exotic].
Variety group Classification of accessions into variety groups is based mainly on the morphologic features of the adult plant, and to a certain extent, on grain appearance [i.e. indica, japonica, javanica, hybrids].
Frequency Frequency of occurrence of species/variety collected in an area [i.e. abundant, frequent, occasional, rare]
Specify (if others) Mention other characteristics of the materials observed.

Characteristics of Collecting Site

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140e.png

Field Name Description
Topography Configuration of a surface including its relief and the position of its natural and man-made features [i.e. swamp, flood plain, plain level, undulating, hilly, mountainous]
Site Topographical condition of a specific area where sample was collected [i.e. level, slope, summit, depression]
Soil texture Relative proportions of sand, silt and clay in a sample [sand, loam, clay, silt, highly organic]
Drainage Manner in which the waters pass off the surface of the land [i.e. poor, moderate, good, excessive]
Shading Refers to the amount of exposure to the sun of the plant where sample was collected. Applicable for wild species [i.e. open, partial shade, complete shade].
Specify (if others) Mention other characteristics of the collecting site.

Practices associated with materials

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140f.png

Field Name Description
Cultural type Rice ecosystem.
Eco. system Refers to the environment where the sample was collected [i.e. dryland hydromorphic, shallow flooded swamp, deep flooded swamp, floating rice, mangrove, irrigation]
Eco. zone Refers to the edaphic-climatic condition of the area [i.e. forest, transition zone, derived savanna, guinea savanna, sudan savanna, sahel, montane].
Shifting culture Cultural practice [Y if yes and N otherwise].
Terraced culture Cultural practice [Y if yes and N otherwise].
Direct seeding Cultural practice [Y if yes and N otherwise].
Double transplanting Cultural practice [Y if yes and N otherwise].
Mixed stand Cultural practice [Y if yes and N otherwise].
Sowing date Date sample was sown.
Transplanting Date Date sample was transplanted.
Harvest date Date variety was harvested.
Maturity (days) Maturity is estimated at 30 days after full heading. Observed in cultivated species.
Usage Usage of variety collected.

Population Characteristics

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140g.png

Field Name Description
Population size (m2) Population size in square meters, estimated visually at collection site.
Water depth (m) Approximate depth of water where sample was collected.
Distance to O. Sativa field Distance of collection site of wild species to the nearest O. sativa field.
Degree of introgression Spread of genes of one species into the gene complex of another.
Fertility General seed set in a population per unit area.
Growth stage Growth stage of plant sampled during collection time [i.e. vegetative, flowering, mature, seed shed].
Degree of grazing A disturbance factor which refers to the extent of grazed area observed at the collection site.
% Cover of wild rice % coverage (area) of wild rice at collecting site, estimated to the nearest 5%.
Species diversity Approximate number of species in the collection site.
Flowering compared to O. Sativa Time of flowering of collected wild species sample compared to O. sativa.

Plant Characteristics (p1)

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140h.png

Field Name Description
Length of Panicle (cm) Length of panicles (n=5) is measured in cm from the base to the tip of the panicle.
Length of Awn (mm) Awn is a bristle-like extension of varying lengths originating from the lemma of the grain. Length is measured in mm and done at anthesis (n=5).
Length of Anther (mm) Anther is the sac of the stamen of the seed plants that contains the pollen. Length is measured in mm at anthesis (n=5).
Length of Grain (mm) Grain length (n=10) is measured in mm as the distance from the base of the lowermost sterile lemma to the tip (apiculus) of the fertile lemma or palea, which ever is longer.
Width of Grain (mm) Grain width is measured (n=10) in mm as the distance across the fertile lemma and the palea at the widest point.
Thickness of Grain (mm) Grain thickness is the lateral diameter (mm) measured from 10 grains as the largest distance between the two lateral sides in the middle part of the caryopsis.

Plant Characteristics (p2)

Image:GRIMS frmACQ140i.png

Field Name Description
Lemma and palea color Lemma is the five-nerved and outer bract of the floret. Palea is the three-nerved bract of the floret which fits the lemma. Color is examined at anthesis.
Seed Coat Color Seed coat color is the color of dehulled grains. Examined at post-harvest.
Photoperiod sensitivity Photoperiod is the relative lengths of alternating periods of lightness and darkness as they affect the growth and maturity of an organism.
Breeding System Method of reproduction [i.e. inbreeding, outcrossing, vegetative, unsure, mixture]
Population composition The degree of homogeneity or heterogeneity of the sample.
Floating Water-borne.
Tillering from nodes Tiller count is recorded as the total number of grain-bearing and non-bearing tillers per hill.
Panicle type Panicles are classified according to their mode of branching, angle of primary branches and spikelet density.
Seed production Low or High seed production.
Awn strength Awn is a bristle-like extension of varying lengths wild originating from the lemma of the grain [i.e.  soft, hard, intermediate].


Image:GRIMS frmACQ140j.png

Field Name Description
Grain Characteristics Grain characteristics as observed by the collector.
Plant Characteristics Plant characteristics as observed by the collector.
Pests/diseases Resistance to pests/diseases.
Other Observation Other observations on the sample collected.
Special Types Special characteristics of the sample collected.

Interactive user interface elements

icon action
Image:GRIMS_btnQuery.png Query record
Image:GRIMS_btnClear.png Clear function
Image:GRIMS_btnSave.png Save function
Image:GRIMS_btnPrevious.png Previous record
Image:GRIMS_btnNext.png Next record
Image:GRIMS_btnHelp.png Help function
Image:GRIMS_btnFKeys.png Hot keys display
Image:GRIMS_btnExit.png Close form
Image:GRIMS_btn3Dot.png Look up table

Use Case Definition

Use Case Name 1.4.0 Enter Passport Information
Use Case Definition The use case allows data entry of passport information. Data are stored both in a serialized format( ICIS Germplasm attributes) and in parallel format (normal table with descriptors as column name).
User Contacts
Actors Genebank Technician (GBT)
Location GRC Data Management
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events
Actor Action System Response
Step1. GBT selects a batch of incoming samples. Step2. System retrieves the seed list.
Step3. GBT inputs passport information Step4. System stores the information in the database
Assumption/s The seed list has been inputed to the system
Post-condition/s Passport data is stored
Primary Pathway/s Enter passport data
Alternative Pathway/s Enter passport data through ICIS SetGen
Exception Pathway/s
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