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GRIMS main > GRIMS functionality > Seed Acquisition
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Monitor Samples Planted


The Monitor Samples Planted form allows the user to manage (search,input,edit,delete) the status of samples planted (for initial seed increase) during one cropyear. Criteria for searching includes the following: accession number, temporary ID, plot number, seedling/plant/harvest status, and remarks. The user may request for a prooflist and fieldbook for samples planted during one cropyear.

User interface forms


Figure 1. Main form: Seedling status

Figure 2. Seed rescue action and status
Figure 3. Location, field site, plant status
Figure 4. Harvest status, harvest date, ratoon date

Figure 5. Remarks, SHU
Figure 6. "Shortcut" Input (by plot range)


Figure 1. Prooflist
Figure 2. Fieldbook: Guide to codes (seedling status, plant status, harvest status)
Figure 3. Fieldbook data

Input fields

Field Name Description
Plot No.
Temp ID
IRGC Acc No.
Seedling status code
Seedling status desc.
Rescue action code
Rescue action desc.
Rescue status code
Rescue status desc.
Plant status code
Plant status desc.
Field Site
Plant status code.
Plant status desc.
Harvest status code
Harvest status desc.
Harvest date
Ratoon date

Use Case Definition

Use Case Name 2.4.0 Monitor Samples Planted for Initial Seed Increase(ISI)/Replanting of the Incoming Sample
Use Case Definition The use case enables the actor to manage and monitor selected planted materials currently planted on different locations.
User Contacts Field Operators
Actors Genebank Technician
Location Genebank
Priority 1
Typical Course of Events
Actor Action System Response
Step 1: The use case is initiated when the actor needs to input information regarding the sample planted status. The actor must also identify the following:

1. crop season, the type of species,

2. the type of selection (ISI, or replanting), and

3. the information to be updated

Step 2. The system retrieves the seed list for the criteria given by the actor
Step 3. Actor supplies information. Step 4. System updates the database.
Step 5. Actor requests for a report. Reports are classified as follows:

1. Affected records made by the update

2. All records

3. Fieldbook (Location, location type, plot range)

4. Guide codes

5. Remarks from passport information

Step 6. System outputs the report
Step 7. Use case concludes when actor receives the report and a confirmation from the system
Assumption/s Creation of final seed list has been completed
Pre-condition/s Seedlist already exists
Post-condition/s Samples planted information stored in the database
Primary Pathway/s Monitor samples planted
Alternative Pathway/s DMS Workbook
Exception Pathway/s n/a
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