Design and development discussions
From ICISWiki
- Storing Known Genes for Germplasm in ICIS
- Germplasm Management Groups
- Implementation of the Material Transfer Agreement
- IRRI - Issues and strategies for MTA implementation in IRIS
- CIMMYT - Integration of sMTA in CIMMYT-SIDU process
- INGER Seed Ordering
- IWIS to ICIS Conversion
- Integration of CIMMYT Maize Information Systems with ICIS
- IRIS/IWIS/IMIS Workbook templates
- Cropfinder
- Curation of germplasm in IRIS
- Implementation of LIMS in IRRI Lab
- ICIS Development Process
- ICIS Deployment Issues
- Release Process and Code Management
- ICIS Planned Applications
- ICIS Planned Releases
- Database backends
- Suggested topics in the ICIS Help
- ICIS Wiki
- MS Excel Solutions & Pitfalls
- Algorithm for Names Search
- ICIS Development using R